Fruit and Nut Bars

This super healthy fruit and nut bar is absolutely a guilt free indulgence. Enjoy!!


Dates-1/2 cup

Chia Seeds-2 tbsp

Flax Seeds-2 tbsp

Peanut Butter-2 tbsp

Walnuts-1/4 cup [chopped]

Pecans-1/4 cup [chopped]

Almonds-1/2 cup

Blueberries-2 tbsp

Cranberries- 2 tbsp


Line a plate with parchment paper and keep ready.

Make a smooth paste of pitted dates,chia seeds,flax seeds and peanut butter. Spread this mixture on the parchment lined plate and top it with chopped nuts and dry fruits and press it gently and let it set in the refrigerator for half hour. Cut them into snack size pieces and enjoy this guilt free delight anytime you crave something sweet.