Savory Muffins – Kale Chia and Oats

This is my first post and I can’t tell you all how excited I am to share my favorite recipes with all you awesome ppl.

I have always been a foodie and my love for food has made me tweak and turn my fav recipes into healthy and flavorful delights!!


Egg whites-from 12 eggs

Oats-3 cups

Kale-2 cups

Spinach-1 Cup

Chia seeds-3 tablespoons

Hemp Seeds-1 tablespoon

Parmesan-1/4 cup[optional]

Salt-to taste

Green Chilis-2

Garlic-2 pods

Chopped Walnuts-3 tablespoons[optional]


Its super easy!!

Just blend all the ingredients in your blender and keep aside for 5 mins.

Line your muffin tin and spoon the batter half way and top it with a mix of chia and oats and bake  in a 350 degree oven for 15-17 mins.

Enjoy it with your favorite drink.


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