Asian Inspired Tilapia



Tilapia-20 oz


Black Pepper-1 tsp

Coarsely ground Mustard-1 tsp

Lemon Salt-1 tsp

Crushed Garlic -1 tsp

Onion Powder-1 tsp

Soy Sauce-1 tsp

Red Chili Paste-1 tsp

Olive oil-2 tsp

Mix everything together and set aside.


Coat the fish pieces with the seasoning mixture and let it marinate fro 30 mins in the refregirator.

Pre heat the oven to 350 degrees and bake the fish for 12 mins. Remove from the oven and cover the cooked fish pieces with foil and let it rest for 5 mins.

Serve it with roasted asparagus and baked broccoli( look for the recipes in the posts)