Dry Fruit and Nut Fudge

This is my kinda Guiltfree treat!! Try it and you will love it!!


Mejdool Dates-8 [pitted]

Dried Cranberries-1/4 cup

Dried Blueberries-1/4 cup

Dried Figs-4

Dried Apricots-4

Almonds-1/4 cup



Almond butter-1/4 cup

Coconut flour-1 tbsp

Dark chocolate pieces-1/2 cup [melted]

Chia seeds-2 tbsp

Flax meal-2 tsp


Line a baking sheet with parchment and keep ready.

Coarsely grind all the dry fruits and nuts [except almonds] separately and set aside.

In a mixing bowl add almond butter, coconut flour and flax meal and mix till combined. Now, add the chopped dry fruits to it and mix till everything forms into a dough.

Pat the dough uniformly on to the lined baking sheet,spread the chia seeds and ground nuts on top of it.

Now add half the melted chocolate on it and spread. Evenly line the whole almonds on top of the chocolate layer and let it sit in the freezer for 20 mins or till it is set.

Take the set fudge out and roll it into a log. Top it with rest of the melted dark chocolate and let it set in the fridge for 20 more mins.

Once set and becomes easy to work with, cut the log into thin slices and enjoy!!