Paleo Carrot Cake

Made this Paleo Carrot Cake to celebrate our Anniversary last week!!Loved baking this soft and moist carrot cake [unlike your traditional carrot cake that is dense in texture] that literally melts in your mouth.My kids absolutely loved it and wanted to eat it for breakfast the next day.Do give it a try.



Almond flour-3 cups

Cinnamon powder-1 tbsp

Nutmeg powder-1 tsp

Salt-1/2 tsp

Baking soda-1 tsp

Mixed nuts-3/4 cup+ 1/4 cup chopped [I used Almonds, pecans, walnuts]

Raisins-1 cup

Carrots-3 cups shredded


Avocado oil-1/4 cup


Raw honey-1/4 cup or Liquid stevia-4 drops


Pre heat the oven to 350 degrees.

Line a cake pan with parchment, spray some oil and keep ready.

Mix all the DRY ingredients together and set aside.

Mix all the WET ingredients together and set aside.

Now, slowly add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients and gently mix till everything is well combined.

Add the prepared cake batter to the lined cake pan and top it with 1/4 cup of chopped nuts.

Bake it in the pre heated oven for 35-40 mins or till the center is completely cooked [ use the tooth pick test trick and make sure the toothpick comes out clean]

Note: Feel free to use your favorite icing to top the cake,I personally just like the taste of this cake with out any icing.