Portobello Pizza

My Pizza cavings got a satisfying fix with this yummy Portobello Pizza!!


Portobello Mushrooms-4

Mozzarella cheese-1/2 cup[shredded]

Grape Tomatoes-1/4 cup [sliced into rounds]

Red Onions-1/4 cup [diced]

Green Onions-4 sprigs [chopped]


Balsamic vinegar-2 tbsp

Olive oil- 1 tbsp

Green Chilis- 2 [finely chopped]

Mint Leaves-1/2 tsp [finely chopped]

Lemon Juice-1 tsp

Salt to taste

Pepper Powder- 1/2 tsp

Mix everything together and set aside.


Pre heat the oven to 350 degrees

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and keep ready.

Place the mushrooms on the sheet and drizzle a table spoon of dressing on each mushroom and bake it for 10 minutes and take it out.

Now top each mushroom with a tsp of cheese, tomatoes, onions and green onions. Put it back in the oven for 3 more mins or till the cheese melts.Enjoy!!