Quinoa Coconut Liege Waffle

Liege waffles or the traditional Belgian waffles that just melts in your mouth is one of my favorites. I just wanted to make it healthier with out loads of sugar and butter and it tasted great!! Served it with my kids favorite homemade blueberry and blackberry syrup and fresh fruit topping. DELISH!!


Quinoa Flour-1/4 cup

Vanilla Protein Powder-1 scoop

Baking Powder-1/4 tsp

Coconut Milk-1/2 cup

Banana-1 mashed

Egg White-1 large

Cinnamon-1/2 tsp

Salt-1 pinch


Pre heat your waffle maker on medium setting.

In a big mixing bowl whisk together the milk,mashed banana and egg white till well mixed.

In another bowl mix together quinoa flour,protein powder, cinnamon,salt and baking powder and add this to the wet ingredients and gently mix till everything is well combined.

Pour the batter into your waffle maker and cook for two minutes and flip it upside down and cook for twominutes or till its done.

Enjoy with your favorite syrup & fruit toppings!