Spicy Whole Wheat Crackers

This is a perfect snack to go with your evening tea or coffee. I simply love the crunch with a hint of spice in every bite. I will have to bake another batch of these flavor packed bites soon as they are already gone.


Whole wheat Flour-2 cups

Chia Seeds-2 tbsp

Flax Seeds-2 tbsp

Sesame Seeds-2 tbsp

Dry Shredded Coconut-2 tbsp

Cumin-1 tsp

Ajwain-1/2 tsp

Asefoteida-1/4 tsp

Baking soda-1/4 tsp

Salt to taste

Oil- 2 tbsp

Green Chili Paste-1 tsp

Mint Leaves-2 tbsp [Finely chopped]

Cilantro-2 tbsp [ Finely chopped]

Curry Leaves-2 sprigs [Finely chopped]

Onion-1/4 cup [Finely chopped]

Buttermilk-1 cup


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all the above ingredients into a smooth dough and let it rest for half hour.

Roll the dough into a big one inch sheet and using a pizza roller cut them into small squares.Using a fork make a dot in the middle of the square and arrange them on a baking sheet and let them bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 mins or until they are crisp.