Harabhara Salmon with Roasted Brussel Sprouts.


Salmon-20 oz[cut into four 5 oz pcs]

Brussel Sprouts-2 cups[cleaned and cut into halfs]

 Marinade for Salmon

Salt to taste

Green Chilis-6

Pepper corns-1/2 tsp

Garlic Pods-4

Lemon Juice-1/4 cup

Mint Leaves-1/4 cup

Cilantro-1/2 cup

Olive Oil-2 tsp

Cinnamon-1 inch piece

Blend all the ingredients into a fine paste in the food processor and set aside.

Marinade for Brussel Sprouts

Salt to taste

Mrs. Dash Table blend-1 1/2 tsp

olive oil-1 tsp


Marinate the salmon and let it sit in the refrigerator for atleast half hour.but, longer it marinates the better it tastes.

In a separate bowl mix the cut brussel sprouts and the marinade and let it sit for 10 mins.

Line a baking sheet with foil and  spread the brussel sprouts and top it with the salmon pieces.

Bake it in a pre heated 350 degree oven for 15 mins. Take it out of the oven and cover the salmon with foil and let it rest for 7 mins.

Serve the salmon on a bed of roasted brussel sprouts….Delish!!